Emil's Solo Projects
Emil - Ups Downs & Sideways 2024
When I began working on this album, my aim was to craft simple yet powerful melodic guitar lines, supported by very gentle classical sound and strong 80s-style drums accompanied by cinematic orchestral percussion.
However, as I ventured into the orchestral arrangements, it became clear that the tracks would grow into something much grander than I had initially expected. Instead of trying to counter in this evolution, I embraced it and rather allowed it to unfold while staying true to the intended meaning and titles of the tracks.
All tracks are composed, performed and produced by Emil Iliev for "Emil Studio". The album is also mixed in 5.1 surround sound. To receive a copy of 5.1 surround mix, please contact Emil.
Astra - Hope - 30th Anniversary 1993-2023 ReMake
Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the original recording of the hit song "HOPE", which was officially recorded in 1993 by the band "Astra" at "First Studio" of Bulgarian National Television for a TV show where the band "Astra" (duo Emil Iliev and Hristiyan Mihailov) ware invited to participate as guests in the show. The recording production was done for one day with the guest drummer Borislav Alexandrov.
Emil Iliev (Astra's band member) - about the project: For the anniversary re-release of the song, I decided to play and record all instruments again, because the original record, although during production was recorded on multi-track tape, after mixing to stereo master the multitrack was deleted due to the high cost of multi-track tape at the time. Of course the other reason was impossibility of the band to purchase the multichannel tape record. So as a result there is no multichannel archive of the original.
Re-recording all the instruments (including the vocals) again turned out to be quite a challenging undertaking, because the main point of the re-recording was to achieve an identical sound to the original record despite the use of modern technology. Of course from the original production, there are no notes or records about the used instruments and gear left. The only information about the production is from my memory.
For the original production the bass was directly connected to the console and recorded as DI, the guitar was connected through a hand-made distortion to the console, the drums were with 3 microphones, and for all the synth parts we used the brand new at that time Roland D50, which we were able to borrow for the recording from friend.
Another major challenge of course was to also perform and play all the instruments identically to the original, or in other words with respect to all tempo variations, flaws, errors and discrepancies.
For the new version I decided to make 2 mixes, one as close as possible to the original (Original Mix version) and one contemporary using all modern tech goodies (New Mix version).
For the 30th anniversary I also decide to publish the original "demo" version of the song for first time, so the listener can get an idea of what ware the possibilities at that time. The demo was actually composed by Hristian Mihailov and me (Emil Iliev) way back in 1989 and it was recorded on a home cassette recorder during a rehearsal, before even the lyrics were completed.
Composing and arrangement by Hristian Mihailov and Emil Iliev
Lyrics by Emil Iliev (English translation by Silvia Lazarova)
Emil Iliev - vocal, guitar
Hristian Mihailov - bass, keyboards, background vocals
Borislav Alexandrov - drums
ReMix produced and performed by Emil Iliev for "Emil Studio". Some of the track versions are also mixed in 5.1 surround sound. To receive a copy of 5.1 DTS mix, please contact Emil.
Emil - String of Thoughts 2022
Some String of Thoughts about some experiences that every one sometimes comes across.
Starting the work on the album I had an idea of going really classical this time but composing the first string lines of "Obsessive Delusions" I instantly felt how I am turning to my favorite "epic movie style". I did make another try with "Dealing With Reality" but this time after I finished a great classical string symphony I reached for some voice add ons and again all shifted in a very emotional cinematic direction witch I didn't resist but rather embrace with percussion and brass.
"little Story" is a experimental composition that follows the structure of regular story telling but musically.
"Unleashed Soul" is composed from the first recording take, just as I was trying to create very emotional voice line. The rest of the instruments I played as a support for this beautiful voice.
All tracks are composed, performed and produced by Emil Iliev for "Emil Studio". The album is also mixed in 5.1 surround sound. To receive a copy of 5.1 DTS mix, please contact Emil.

Emil - Observations 2021
The Observations experiments with mix of ambient, classical and contemporary sound and feel. The track "Easter Wind" explores also some eastern folk.
All tracks are composed, performed and produced by Emil Iliev for "Emil Studio". The album is also mixed in 5.1 surround sound. To receive a copy of 5.1 DTS mix, please contact Emil.

Emil - Forward and Back 2021
This album combines some new compositions and some very old improvisations.
The new tunes (1-5) are experimenting with some unusual mix ofmusical styles as rock, trans, jazz, classical and even folk.
"A little conversation" and "Shy Tango" are also very odd rhythmically but the same time the melody line is trying gently to stitch the polyrhythms in more straight forward feeling.
The old improvisations (tracks 6, 7, 8) are interesting as they are the first tracks I've recorded using guitar synth back in the end of the 90s. They were recorded on my first digital 8 track recorder and also intentionally not arranged farther than improvisation stage and left as raw.
All tracks are composed, performed and produced by Emil Iliev for "Emil Studio". The album is also mixed in 5.1 surround sound. To receive a copy of 5.1 DTS mix, please contact Emil.
![Emil - [PO Box 19] 2020](resources/albumart/EMIL-%5BPO_Box_19%5D%20-2020%20sml.png)
Emil - [PO Box 19] 2020
Painting with a sound brush the historical events of 2020 is a rare opportunity that is hard to miss, like it or not.
In times of Global "Lockdown" there is a unique opportunity of working on a more time demanding projects.
Most of the tracks are fusing a 80's style and sound with today's flavor and color. This album is guitar oriented and includes some interesting playing technique and experiments.
As in previous projects there's some nice Bulgarian folklore motives inserted in some of the guitar solos.
All tracks are composed, performed and produced by Emil Iliev for "Emil Studio". The album is also mixed in 5.1 surround sound. To receive a copy of 5.1 DTS mix, please contact Emil.

Emil - Silver & Gold 2019
These soundtracks tell a story of a great known and unknown historic nations.
The second track "Rise Of An Empire" makes a very interesting interaction of Bulgarian folk scale (the el. guitar solo) and a eastern orchestral motives.
The 3 compositions are recorded entirely with sampler instruments which makes possible achieving a massive full orchestral sound, including male and female choirs.
Mixing this album was a serious challenge because all instruments are entirely artificial (except the guitar), which makes it really hard to create and achieve realistic deep sounding stage with clear back to front instrument placement of the whole orchestra.
All tracks are composed, performed and produced by Emil Iliev for "Emil Studio". The album is also mixed in 5.1 surround sound. To receive a copy of 5.1 DTS mix, please contact Emil.

Emil - Road Ahead 2018
Full of experimental scoring approaches this album is created with a very rich orchestral sounds.
The soundtracks are balancing between a movie orchestral score and standard music as they are filed with more melodic content than a regular scores would include. The album also includes a compositions flavored withinteresting mixture of Bulgarian folklore.
All tracks are composed, performed and produced by Emil Iliev for "Emil Studio". The album is also mixed in 5.1 surround sound. To receive a copy of 5.1 DTS mix, please contact Emil.

Emil - On Time 2014
The 3 tunes of the album are based on a great fusion tracks created in mid 80s: Mitsuru Sakaue - Suplex Hold, Ice Wizz (DFreeSax) - insider, Chick Corea - Side Walk.
The new main melodic lines are composed on top of the rearranged original grooves.
All tracks are arranged, performed and produced by Emil Iliev for " Emil Studio ". The album is also mixed in 5.1 surround sound. To receive a copy of 5.1 DTS mix, please contact Emil.

Emil - Flickers 2013
All tracks of this album are created entirely of none musical sounds (with the exception of the electric guitar) like electrical noises, hits on pieces of metal, sound of a thunderstorm, pure noise, etc. The recorded pure sound samples of various noises are heavily altered and edited to transform them into musical instruments.
The harmony structure of all tunes is very experimental. The tracks are rhythmically assembled fromvery interesting poly-rhythms, which create a sense of rectilinear tempo. When listening carefully the listener can hear the intertwined rhythmic variations.
Some motives are influenced from Bulgarian folklore and some inspired by movie soundtracks.
All tracks are composed, performed, recorded, mixed, mastered and produced by Emil Iliev for "Emil Studio". The album is also mixed in 5.1 surround sound. To receive a copy of 5.1 DTS mix, please contact Emil.

Emil - Live Scenes 2010
This bundle of soundtracks is all about imaginary scenes from real live.
Each track is created using a different approach of scoring and recording with synthetic sounds and samplers.
There's also interesting experimenting with harmony and melodies including some eastern musical motives.
All tracks are composed, performed and produced by Emil Iliev for "Emil Studio". The album is also mixed in 5.1 surround sound. To receive a copy of 5.1 DTS mix, please contact Emil.

Emil - Sense of Motion 2009
This album is inspired by various movies.
Interesting technique used is the recording the electric guitars. After regular recording the guitars are re-sampled and played back on keyboard using midi sequencing. This is creating a interesting animated feel.
All tunes are composed, performed and produced by Emil Iliev for "Emil Studio". All tracks are also mixed in 5.1 surround sound. To receive a copy of 5.1 DTS mix, please contact Emil.

Emil - Basic 2006
This set of tunes are inspired and explores the world of night live, clubs, fashion shows and art exhibitions all of which are fed up of human passion and the basic sexual desires.
The tracks are full of sound design experiments, loops and harmonic dissonance.
All the vocals are recorded using interesting technique of combining synthesized computer generated voice and Emil's live vocals.
The album is composed, performed and produced by Emil Iliev for "Emil Studio".

Emil point A - Synthphony for Guitar and Digits in db major 2004
The music for this album was inspired by the feel and experiences on the streets of the Bulgarian capital Sofia.
Emil's notes:
"Sofia is my home city and after 10 years of traveling I returned home where I had the incredible experience of rediscovering it all over again.
The whole album took me all most 2 year to write and record, which makes it the longest solo project I worked on so far."
All female voice improvisations are recorded by the Special guest Milenita (Milena Nikolova).
All tracks are composed, performed and produced by Emil Iliev for "Emil Studio".

Emil - Vital Information 2002
"Vital Information" is original sound track initially composed and recorded for experimental movie. Later it's rearranged and edited for an album release.
Original scoring is composed and produced by Emil Iliev at "Emil Studio".
This is Emil's first album entirely recorded and produced on computer based DAW sequencer.
All soloing instruments are recorded using guitar synth, including all acoustic guitars and some of the electric guitars. Interesting comparison between electric guitar played on guitar synth and a regular el. guitar can be heard on track 04 where the solos of bought types are one after another.
All sound design and synthesis is done (incl. most of the guitars) using Roland GR50, Roland jv1010, EMU Proteus 2000 and Alesis DM5. All instruments are performed on guitar synth, except drums and percussion which are programed using Sonar DAW sequencer.

Emil - Rain from a Clear Sky 2000
This album is a mixture of music styles and sound experiments. All brass instruments are recorded with a guitar synth.
All tracks are recorded on Roland VS 880 EX digital recorder. The MIDI sequencing is done on Alesis MMT-8.
Composed, performed, recorded, mixed and produced by Emil Iliev at "Emil Studio".

Emil - The Way it is 1998
This album is all about experimenting with a different guitar sounds and unconventional playing techniques. All tracks are recorded entirely on Yamaha MT2X 4 track cassette recorder.
Except drums and voices all other instruments and sounds in this album are recorded with electric and acoustic guitars.
For guitar sound processing are used:
Digitech GSP 5 Guitar processor/preamp (heavily customized),
Boss guitar pedals: OD-1, DS-1, CS-3 and OC-2 (used for all the bass parts).
The acoustic guitar is recorded with a custom made fretless guitar mic'd with special custom made microphone (from telephone handset), attached to the body of the instrument. The same guitar setup is also used for recording the voices as the vocal is singing through the guitar's sound hole.
Drums sound and programing is done on Alesis SR16 drum machine.
Composed, performed, recorded, mixed, mastered and produced by Emil Iliev at "Emil Studio".

Emil - 1993
The album includes collection of instrumental tracks written up to 1993. They are all recorded and mixed (except track 08) on Tascam porta-one 4 track cassette recorder. The tracks are not mastered.
All tracks composed by Emil Iliev.
Additional composing by Hristian Mihailov on track 8.
All tracks (except track 08 and track 10) are performed, recorded, mixed and produced by Emil Iliev at "Emil Studio".
Track 08 "Hope" is produced and performed by "Astra" (Emil Iliev, Hristian Mihailov) and Borislav Alexandrov (drums) and recorded at theBulgarian National TV - Studio 1 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
© All rights reserved. This work
by Emil Iliev
is licensed under a Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). For permissions beyond the scope of this license please contact Emil Iliev at: https://emilstudio.eu/contact.php.
© Copyright Emil Studio